Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I believe I am one of the most treasured children of God for God gave me the most wonderful gift that one can ever ask for--a father with immense paranormal gifts.He was clairvoyant when he was alive --he used to have visions of events that occurred in the future.He made startling forecasts all his life but one of the most poignant ones is the following one:
My elder brother was a brilliant student during his school days.One day,while he was in high school,my father suddenly blurted one day,"Hey,I saw you walking on Boston Bridge---you are either going to M.I.T(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)or Harvard.Start preparing yourself for SAT,AT and TOEFL."
My brother knew of my father's talents and immediately started all the preparations by visiting the U.S consulate and USIS library --lo behold,two years later,the vision became true.He got enrolled into M.I.T with full scholarship and has completed not just his graduate and post graduate degree but has also obtained his doctorate in gravity physics---

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be a very interesting person, would like to speak to you. gobindsing@gmail.com
